Thursday, August 08, 2013

The Health of Australia's prisoners

A new report from the AIHW shows that Australia's prisoners have significant health issues, with high rates of mental health problems, communicable diseases, alcohol misuse, smoking and illicit drug use.  The Health of Australia's Prisoners 2012 shows that 46% of prison dischargees reported having ever been told they have a mental health issue (including alcohol and drug use issues), and 21% of those entering prison were taking mental health related medication. Over half (54%) of dischargees reported drinking alcohol at risky levels prior  to their current imprisonment but only 12% of dischargees reported having accessed an alcohol treatment program while in prison. Seven out of 10 (70%) prison entrants reported using drugs illicitly during the previous 12 months. These rates of alcohol and other drug misuse are all substantially higher than in the general community.

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