Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Burden of cancer in Australia: Australian Burden of Disease Study

Cancer was the greatest cause of health burden in Australia in 2011, accounting for around one-fifth of the total disease burden. This report explores in further detail the burden of cancer in Australia, including cancer burden in Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander people, and by remoteness and socioeconomic group. It also looks at how the cancer burden has changed since 2003, and the potential burden of cancer expected in 2020.
While rates of other cancers are falling or remaining static, liver cancer is the only “top ten” cancer for which rates increased between 2003 and 2011. Liver cancer is a looming health threat in Australia, recent findings from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare’s (AIHW) Burden of Cancer report suggest.  

Burden of cancer in Australia: Australian Burden of Disease Study 2011. Cat. no. BOD 13. AIHW

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