Thursday, December 13, 2007

Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing : Now free and Online!

The second online issue of "The Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing" is now available.

Some of the articles in the latest issue are :
* The future nursing workforce in Australia
* Working in an overcrowded A. & E.
* Income inequality and health status - a nursing issue
* Can I do everything? Time menagement in a neonatal unit.

Check it out!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Over the Counter but No Longer under the Radar - Pediatric Cough and Cold Medications

The December 6 issue of NEJM article by Joshua M. Sharfstein, M.D., Marisa North, B.A., and Janet R. Sewint, M.D. examines the issue of over-the-counter cough and cold medications has received unprecendented attention from regulators, physicians, the media and parents. This scrutiny represents a long-overdue reassessment of products that were purchased by 39% of US households during the past three years.

The link above gives access via the libraries' A-Z Electronic Journals Site.

Monday, December 10, 2007

MJA features government intervention in aboriginal communities

The Christmas issue of the Medical Journal of Australia features lively discussion and opposing views on the Commonwealth's intervention into aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory. One of the opponents, John Boffa from The Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance speaks out against the decision to make the new legislation exempt from the Racial Discrimination Act, while Dr Bill Glasson from the Emergency Response Taskforce argues that it is not paternalistic to act against unacceptable behaviour.

Friday, December 07, 2007

The Obesity Epidemic

Another fascinating program on ABC Radio National's Health Report this week. If you missed it, click on the link for a transcript or podcast. Dr Robert Lustig explains the connections between insulin, the gi index, fibre and why the adding of fructose to western foods is making our children overweight. You'll never buy fruit juice again!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Medical Journal of Australia - what's there for you?

The Medical Journal of Australia (MJA) is Australia's leading peer-reviewed journal of medical practice and clinical research. The full text of every issue since January 2002 is available free on the web at

Key pages:
Topics is a list of topic areas covered by the eMJA — use this to get a list of available articles by broad topic areas.

Clinical guidelines are authoritative documents issued by medical colleges and other reliable sources that are designed to guide doctors and other health care workers to the best practice in particular fields of medicine.

The Archives lists all the articles published in print by the MJA since January 1996.

Articles that were rapidly published online before print are listed on the Rapid Online Publication page.

All Supplements to the MJA are listed together on the Supplements page. Recent additions are 'Early Interventions in Young Mental Health'; 'Spirituality and Health' and 'Clinical practice guidelines for communicating prognosis and end-of-life issues with adults in the advanced stages of a life-limiting illness, and their caregivers'