An information and research blog for health professionals, compiled by the staff of District Library Services - MNCLHD
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Population health guide to behavioural risk factors
Smoking, nutrition, alcohol, physical activity (SNAP): A population health guide to behavioural risk factors in general practice is a guide published by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners,designed to assist general practitioners to work with patients on these specific lifestyle risk factors. It's also intended for organisations working with general practices, such as public health services.
Use of aged care services before death
This report from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare examines people’s use of aged care services in the 8 years before death, using the cohort of 116,481 people who died in 2010–11 aged at least 65. While some of these people used aged care services only in the year before death, others had accessed services over several years.
The average age at death of this cohort was 85.2 for women and 81.5 for men. Overall, 80% had used aged care in the 8 years before death. Almost half (47%) began using aged care more than 4 years before death. The older a person was when they died, the more likely they were to have been accessing a care program at the time of death and around 10% stopped using aged care in the last quarter before death. People used a diversity of care pathways. Around 80% of these people began by using HACC or VHC. Permanent RAC was the first service used for about half of the remainder.
The average age at death of this cohort was 85.2 for women and 81.5 for men. Overall, 80% had used aged care in the 8 years before death. Almost half (47%) began using aged care more than 4 years before death. The older a person was when they died, the more likely they were to have been accessing a care program at the time of death and around 10% stopped using aged care in the last quarter before death. People used a diversity of care pathways. Around 80% of these people began by using HACC or VHC. Permanent RAC was the first service used for about half of the remainder.
Best Practice in Statistical Reporting
The British Journal of Pharmacology has published a freely available virtual issue titled Best Practice in Statistical Reporting.
You can read the collection of articles here on open access.
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology- free virtual issues
Acute hospitals and integrated care: From hospitals to health systems
Acute hospitals and integrated care: From hospitals to health systems. (download the report for free)
Not now, not ever: putting an end to domestic and family violence in Queensland
This report looks at the nature of domestic and family violence in Queensland. In 2013-14, there were 66,016 occurrences of domestic and family violence
reported to Queensland police, which equates to over 180 incidents of domestic
and family violence being reported every day across the state. 17 homicides
relating to domestic and family violence occurred in Queensland in 2012-13. On
average, across Australia, one woman is killed by her partner every week. The
annual cost of domestic and family violence to the Queensland economy is
estimated to be between $2.7 billion to $3.2 billion.
Eight hours is enough- more sleep could lead to an early grave
Sleep is vital for good health but more of it may not always be better for
everyone. Research recently published
in the journal Neurology has found
middle-aged and older people who sleep more than eight hours a day have an
increased risk of stroke. The findings are presented alongside a meta-analysis
of 11 other studies from across seven countries involving over half a million
people, which also finds longer sleeps can land you in an early grave.
Last month, the US-based National Sleep Foundation published revised guidelines on how much sleep people need based on input from 18 sleep experts and over 300 studies. For those aged between 18 and 65 years, it recommended between seven and nine hours over a 24-hour period. For those aged over 65, it suggested the narrower band of between seven and eight hours. In the light of the new findings, this narrower band may be the best idea for all adults, not just those aged over 65 years.
Read the summary article, "Eight hours is enough – more sleep could lead to an early grave", by Dorothy Bruck on The Conversation web page.
Last month, the US-based National Sleep Foundation published revised guidelines on how much sleep people need based on input from 18 sleep experts and over 300 studies. For those aged between 18 and 65 years, it recommended between seven and nine hours over a 24-hour period. For those aged over 65, it suggested the narrower band of between seven and eight hours. In the light of the new findings, this narrower band may be the best idea for all adults, not just those aged over 65 years.
Read the summary article, "Eight hours is enough – more sleep could lead to an early grave", by Dorothy Bruck on The Conversation web page.
Cardiovascular disease, diabetes and chronic kidney disease-Australian facts: risk factors
This report is a series of 5 reports by the National Centre for
Monitoring Vascular Diseases at the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
that describe the combined burden of cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes and
chronic kidney disease (CKD).
Cardiovascular disease, diabetes and chronic kidney disease—Australian facts: risk factors, ISBN 978-1-74249-692-4; Cat. no. CDK 004 (free to download)
Clinical practice guidance for management of pre-eclampsia
Pre-eclampsia (PE) is a leading cause of maternal and fetal/neonatal morbidity and mortality worldwide. An opinion article by Holger Stepan et al. explores the changing approaches to the diagnosis of pre-eclampsia and provides a consensus statement for the application of the sFlt1/PIGF ratio for the prediction, diagnosis and now also management of this condition, which could improve clinical care. This article is open access.
Stepan, H. [et al] (2015) Implementation of the sFlt-1/PlGF ratio for prediction and diagnosis of pre-eclampsia in singleton pregnancy: implications for clinical practice. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 45(3), 241-246
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Incentives to follow Best Practice in Health Care
Strong evidence exists for the
provision of timely and meaningful information on safety and quality
performance to clinical teams, particularly if this is benchmarked against the
performance of peer teams or institutions.
Incentives to Follow Best Practice in Health Care. Office of Health Economics; Briefing 55
Osteoporosis and juvenile arthritis web pages
AIHW Osteoporosis and juvenile arthritis web pages.
Watering the Garden of Family Wellbeing: Empowering Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to bloom and grow
Recommendations and outcomes from the national roundtable Empowering Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people through the Family Wellbeing program, Adelaide, March 2014 have recently been published as Watering the Garden of Family Wellbeing: Empowering Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to bloom and grow.
This publication is free to download.
Support for nurses in writing for publication
Writing for publication is essential for the dissemination of knowledge and
practice, but many health practitioners are prevented from writing by a lack of
confidence or knowledge of what the process involves, and insufficient time and
space in which to write. This article discusses the importance of supporting
nurses to write for publication and the approach used to do this, including:
- How nurses can gain confidence to write
- Learning writing skills and finding time to write
- Setting goals and taking part in writing support groups
Putting On and Removing Personal Protective Equipment - video
Putting On and Removing Personal Protective Equipment. Rafael Ortega, M.D., Nahid Bhadelia, M.D., Osamede Obanor, B.S., Kyle Cyr, M.A., Priscilla Yu, B.A., Maureen McMahon, R.N., and Dahlia Gotzmann, B.S.N. N Engl J Med 2015
Admitted patient care 2013-14
- 5.5 million same-day acute care separations
- 3.8 million overnight acute care separations
- about 460,000 sub-acute and non-acute care separations.
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Asthma Snapshot
The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare has published a snapshot of the latest statistics on asthma in Australia. This is a web-based product providing the latest
available information about this health condition in Australia. Asthma is a
common condition, affecting 1 in 10 Australians and this snapshot provides
information about prevalence, treatment, management, quality of life and
Friday, March 13, 2015
Death and life expectancy in Australia - snapshot
The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare has released an update on its Deaths Web Snapshot today. This presents the latest data on deaths, causes of death and life expectancy in Australia.
There were 147,678 deaths registered in Australia in 2013. Two-thirds (66%) of deaths were among people aged over 75 years. Over the period 1907 to 2013, the age-standardised death rates fell by 74%. Chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, dementia and cancers, continue to be the leading cause of death in the overall population, however younger people tend to die from external causes such as transport accidents and suicides. Australia has one of the highest life expectancies in the world, at 84.3 years for females and 80.1 years for males born in 2011-2013.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Multidisciplinary teams and better health outcomes
A report conducted for Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health (SARRAH) has revealed that Australians with stroke, diabetes and osteoarthritis could avoid surgery or recover more quickly if they had access to multidisciplinary teams of health professionals.
Asthma and COPD medications chart
Copies of the chart can be printed from the pdf provided, or you can order free printed copies from the site.
Cisplatin - 50th anniversary
It is 50 years since the accidental discovery that cisplatin could be used as an anti-cancer drug. An article in The Conversation this week by Nial Wheate and Michael Apps from the University of Sydney, Happy 50th anniversary to cisplatin, the drug that changed cancer treatment, looks at the history of the drug and explains how it is still relevant in cancer treatment today. The authors also explain that cisplatin is improving in becoming more effective and less toxic.
Friday, March 06, 2015
Optimising return to work practices following catastrophic injury
Worldwide, mean return to work rates for people with catastrophic injury are approximately 30-40%, but in Australia this figure is unknown. Internationally, the best RTW rates reported for moderate to severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) come from the UK, Sweden and USA, whilst for spinal cord injury (SCI) they are in Switzerland and Sweden.
Interventions that have been identified to facilitate RTW for this group include program based rehabilitation, supported employment and case co-ordination. The questions that have been identified for future discussion are what barriers are there to optimising RTW outcomes in Australia and how can they be addressed.
Optimising support for informal carers of the long-term disabled
This briefing document from the National Trauma Research Institute at Monash University points out that optimising carer resilience has direct benefits to carers and additional benefits to the overall care support system by reducing dependence on paid care.
Optimising support for informal carers of the long-term disabled to enhance resilience and sustainability reports that there are 2.7 million people in Australia providing unpaid care to a person with a disability or long-term health condition. A literature review aimed to investigate effective strategies for providing support to these informal carers that can help to optimise their resilience, and the sustainability of the long-term disabled.
Access to mental health care in Australia
The largest ever study into mental health services in Australia has found that government programs are failing to give people in poor and remote areas equal access to help. Researchers from Monash University have recently published the results of their study on open access in the Medical Journal of Australia.
Better access to mental health care and the failure of the Medicare principle of universality looked at Medicare data relating to 25 million mental health items billed between 2007 and 2011 and found that people who lived in disadvantaged parts of metropolitan areas and rural and remote areas accessed the least number of services despite needing them the most.
Graham N Meadows, Joanne C Enticott, Brett Inder, Grant M Russell and Roger Gurr
Med J Aust 2015; 202 (4): 190-194. doi:10.5694/mja14.00330
Med J Aust 2015; 202 (4): 190-194. doi:10.5694/mja14.00330
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