Congratulations to the highlighted Mid North Coast Local Health District staff on the publication of their articles.
Aherne, N. J., A. Dhawan, J. G. Scott and H. Enderling (2020).
"Mathematical oncology and its application in non-melanoma skin cancer - A
primer for radiation oncology professionals." Oral Oncol 103:
Alqahtani, J. S., C. M. Njoku, B. Bereznicki, B. C. Wimmer,
G. M. Peterson, L.
Kinsman, Y. S. Aldabayan, A. M. Alrajeh, A. M. Aldhahir, S. Mandal and
J. R. Hurst (2020). "Risk factors for all-cause hospital readmission
following exacerbation of COPD: a systematic review and meta-analysis." Eur
Respir Rev 29(156).
Banjade, D., J. Allan, K. Thuraisingam, A. Mishra, B.
Newham, S. J. E. Tan, A. Renshaw, R. Hammond, G. Stevens and G. Warr (2020).
"Implementation of advanced radiotherapy technology to improve clinical
outcomes in rural NSW." Aust J Rural Health 28(3): 311-316.
Borghaei, H., C. J. Langer, L. Paz-Ares, D. Rodríguez-Abreu,
B. Halmos, M. C. Garassino, B.
Houghton, T. Kurata, Y. Cheng, J. Lin, M. C. Pietanza, B. Piperdi and S.
M. Gadgeel (2020). "Pembrolizumab plus chemotherapy versus chemotherapy
alone in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer without tumor PD-L1
expression: A pooled analysis of 3 randomized controlled trials." Cancer
126(22): 4867-4877.
Cardoso, M., A. Choudhury, D. Christie, T. Eade, F. Foroudi,
A. Hayden, T. Holt, A. Kneebone, G. Sasso, T. P. Shakespeare and M. Sidhom (2020).
"FROGG patterns of practice survey and consensus recommendations on
radiation therapy for MIBC." J Med Imaging Radiat Oncol 64(6):
Chojnowski, J. M., J. R. Sykes and D. I. Thwaites (2020). "Practical beam
steering of X-ray beams on Elekta accelerators: The effect of focal spot
alignment on beam (symmetry and position) and radiation isocentre (size and
position)." Phys Eng Sci Med.
Chojnowski, J. M., G.
B. Warr, J. R. Sykes and D. I. Thwaites (2020). "Assessment of
error in the MV radiation isocenter position calculated with the Elekta XVI
software." J Appl Clin Med Phys 21(5): 93-97.
Desai, J., H. Gan, C. Barrow, M. Jameson, V. Atkinson, A.
Haydon, M. Millward, S.
Begbie, M. Brown, B. Markman, W. Patterson, A. Hill, L. Horvath, A.
Nagrial, G. Richardson, C. Jackson, M. Friedlander, P. Parente, B. Tran, L.
Wang, Y. Chen, Z. Tang, W. Huang, J. Wu, D. Zeng, L. Luo and B. Solomon (2020).
"Phase I, Open-Label, Dose-Escalation/Dose-Expansion Study of Lifirafenib
(BGB-283), an RAF Family Kinase Inhibitor, in Patients With Solid Tumors."
J Clin Oncol 38(19): 2140-2150.
Gortman, A. M., N. J. Aherne, J. Amalaseelan, A. Last, J. Westhuyzen, L. Chamberlain and T. P. Shakespeare (2020). "Long-term outcomes
of patients with conserved breast cancer treated with adjuvant hypofractionated
prone breast intensity-modulated radiation therapy." J Med Imaging
Radiat Oncol 64(6): 845-851.
Grimison, P., A. Mersiades, A. Kirby, N. Lintzeris, R.
Morton, P. Haber, I. Olver, A. Walsh, I. McGregor, Y. Cheung, A. Tognela, C.
Hahn, K. Briscoe, M. Aghmesheh, P. Fox, E. Abdi, S. Clarke, S.
Della-Fiorentina, J. Shannon, C. Gedye, S. Begbie, J. Simes and M. Stockler
(2020). "Oral THC:CBD cannabis extract for refractory chemotherapy-induced
nausea and vomiting: a randomised, placebo-controlled, phase II crossover
trial." Ann Oncol 31(11): 1553-1560.
Hoffmann, M., K.
Waller, A. Last
and J. Westhuyzen
(2020). "A critical literature review on the use of bellyboard devices to
control small bowel dose for pelvic radiotherapy." Rep Pract Oncol
Radiother 25(4): 598-605.
Hurley, J., M. Hutchinson, D. Kozlowski, M. Gadd and S. van Vorst
(2020). "Emotional intelligence as a mechanism to build resilience and
non-technical skills in undergraduate nurses undertaking clinical
placement." Int J Ment Health Nurs 29(1): 47-55.
Isobel, S., A. Wilson, K. Gill and D. Howe (2020). "'What would a
trauma-informed mental health service look like?' Perspectives of people who access
services." Int J Ment Health Nurs. Epub date 2020/11/22.
Isobel, S., A. Wilson, K. Gill, K. Schelling and D. Howe (2020). "What
is needed for Trauma Informed Mental Health Services in Australia? Perspectives
of clinicians and managers." Int J Ment Health Nurs. Epub date
Johnston, J. J., J. M. Longman, D. P. Ewald, M. I. Rolfe, S.
Diez Alvarez, A. H. B. Gilliland, S. C. Chung, S. K. Das, J. M. King and M. E. Passey (2020).
"Validity of a tool designed to assess the preventability of potentially
preventable hospitalizations for chronic conditions." Fam Pract 37(3):
Lock, M., O. Burmeister, F. McMillan and G. Whiteford (2020).
"Absence of rigorous evidence undermines cultural safety reforms." Australian
Journal of Rural Health 28(1): 4-5.
Lower, T., L.
Kinsman, M. M. Dinh, D. Lyle, R. Cheney, J. Allan, A. Munro, B. Taylor,
J. H. Wiggers, A. Bailey,
L. Weller, A. Jacob
and A. S. Stephens (2020). "Patterns of emergency department use in rural
and metropolitan New South Wales from 2012 to 2018." Aust J Rural
Health 28(5): 490-499.
Lwin, N., J. Burgess,
C. Johnston, N. Johnson and S. Chung
(2020). "Hospital-in-the-Home experience of first 23 COVID-19 patients at
a regional NSW hospital." Intern Med J 50(10): 1271-1273.
Njoku, C. M., J. S. Alqahtani, B. C. Wimmer, G. M. Peterson,
L. Kinsman, J. R.
Hurst and B. J. Bereznicki (2020). "Risk factors and associated outcomes
of hospital readmission in COPD: A systematic review." Respir Med 173:
Rawther, T., B. J. Rebolledo, K. K. Das and
N. Joshi (2020). "Circumaortic left renal vein: a rare but
important anatomical variation to consider prior to a radical
nephrectomy." ANZ J Surg 90(9): 1781-1782.
Salindera, S. and M. Brennan (2020). "Development of the
'People-Processes-Paradigm' critical analysis tool for mortality and morbidity
reviews: improving understanding of systems factors." ANZ J Surg 90(6):
Shakespeare, T. P., J.
Westhuyzen, T. Lim Yew Fai and N. J. Aherne (2020). "Choosing between
conventional and hypofractionated prostate cancer radiation therapy: Results
from a study of shared decision-making." Rep Pract Oncol Radiother 25(2):
Southey, M., A. Kathirgamalingam, B. Crawford, R. Kaul, J.
McNamara, F. John-Leader,
J. Heslop and S. W.
Pit (2020). "Patterns of ecstasy use amongst live music event attendees
and their opinions on pill testing: a cross sectional study." Subst
Abuse Treat Prev Policy 15(1): 55.
Sutherland, R., E. Campbell, M. McLaughlin, N. Nathan, L.
Wolfenden, D. R. Lubans, P. J. Morgan, K. Gillham, C. Oldmeadow, A. Searles, P.
Reeves, M. Williams, N. Kajons, A. Bailey, J. Boyer, C. Lecathelinais, L. Davies, T. McKenzie,
J. Hollis and J. Wiggers (2020). "Scale-up of the Physical Activity 4
Everyone (PA4E1) intervention in secondary schools: 12-month implementation
outcomes from a cluster randomized controlled trial." International
Journal of Behavioral Nutrition & Physical Activity 17(1): 100.
Travers, A., A. Jalali, S. Begbie, C. Semira, S. Kosmider, S. Ananda, R.
Wong, M. Lee, J. Shapiro, M. Burge, D. Yip, J. Torres, B. Ma, L. Nott, A. Dean,
J. Tie, A. Khattak, S. Lim, H. L. Wong and P. Gibbs (2020). "Real-World
Treatment and Outcomes of Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Patients with a Poor or
Very Poor Performance Status." Clin Colorectal Cancer. DOI.
Unwin, M., E. Crisp, J. Stankovich, D. McCann and L. Kinsman
(2020). "Socioeconomic disadvantage as a driver of non-urgent emergency
department presentations: A retrospective data analysis." PLoS One 15(4):
Venchiarutti, R. L., J. R. Clark, C. E. Palme, T. P. Shakespeare, J. Hill, A.
R. M. Tahir, P. Dwyer and J. M. Young (2020). "Influence of
remoteness of residence on timeliness of diagnosis and treatment of oral cavity
and oropharynx cancer: A retrospective cohort study." J Med Imaging
Radiat Oncol 64(2): 261-270.
Wilson, A., J. Hurley, M. Hutchinson and R. Lakeman (2020).
"'Can mental health nurses working in acute mental health units really be
trauma-informed? An integrative review of the literature." J Psychiatr
Ment Health Nurs. doi: 10.1111/jpm.12717.
Wilson, C. L., E. J. Tavender, N. T. Phillips, S. J. Hearps,
K. Foster, S. L. O'Brien, M. L. Borland, G. O. Watkins, L. McLeod, M. Putland, S. Priestley, C.
Brabyn, D. W. Ballard, S. Craig, S. R. Dalziel, E. Oakley and F. E. Babl
(2020). "Variation in CT use for paediatric head injuries across different
types of emergency departments in Australia and New Zealand." Emerg Med
J 37(11): 686-689.
Yoong, S. L., K. Bolsewicz, A. Grady, R. Wyse, R.
Sutherland, R. K. Hodder, M. Kingsland, N. Nathan, S. McCrabb, A. Bauman, J.
Wiggers, J. Moullin, B. Albers, M. E. Fernandez, A. Hall, J. Sims-Gould, N.
Taylor, C. Rissel, A. Milat, A.
Bailey, S. Batchelor, J. Attia and L. Wolfenden (2020). "Adaptation
of public health initiatives: expert views on current guidance and
opportunities to advance their application and benefit." Health Educ
Res 35(4): 243-257.
MNCLHD Staff Publications Database - HMCN Health Services Library