Tuesday, February 01, 2022

COVID-19 Pandemic impact on children

Potential indirect impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on children: a narrative review using a community child health lens

Sharon Goldfield, Elodie O'Conno, Valerie Sung, Gehan Roberts, Melissa Wake, Sue West, Harriet Hislock.

With the increasing worldwide concern about the probable disproportionate effect of the current pandemic on children facing adversity, widening existing inconsistencies in child health and developmental outcomes. 


The review identified 11 impact areas under three broad categories:

Child-level factors  
- poorer mental health 
- poorer child health and development 
- poorer academic achievement 
Family-level factors that affect children 
- poorer parent mental health
- reduced family income and job losses
- increased household stress
- increased abuse and neglect
- poorer maternal and newborn health
Service-level factors that affect children 
- school closures
- reduced access to health care
- increased use of technology for learning, connection and health care

The article published in the Medical Journal of Australia suggests five potential strategy areas that could begin to address these equities. 

Addressing financial instability through parent financial supplements; expanding the role of schools to address learning gaps and wellbeing; rethinking health care delivery to address reduced access; focusing on prevention and early intervention for mental health; and using digital solutions to address inequitable service delivery.