Wednesday, December 11, 2024

MNCLHD Staff Publications October to December 2024

 Congratulations to MNCLHD staff who have had their papers published!

Cohen, G., B. Rapoport, S. W. Chan, P. Ruff, A. Arance, K. Mujika Eizmendi, B. Houghton, M. P. Brown, R. M. Zielinski, E. Muñoz Couselo, M. Lyle, J. R. Anderson, L. Jain, D. de Alwis, M. Lala, O. Akala, E. Chartash and C. Jacobs (2024). "Pembrolizumab 400 mg every 6 weeks as first-line therapy for advanced melanoma (KEYNOTE-555): Results from cohort B of an open-label, phase 1 study." PLoS One 19(11): e0309778.

Grimison, P., A. Mersiades, A. Kirby, A. Tognela, I. Olver, R. L. Morton, P. Haber, A. Walsh, Y. Lee, E. Abdi, S. Della-Fiorentina, M. Aghmesheh, P. Fox, K. Briscoe, J. Sanmugarajah, G. Marx, G. Kichenadasse, H. Wheeler, M. Chan, J. Shannon, C. Gedye, S. Begbie, R. J. Simes and M. R. Stockler (2024). "Oral Cannabis Extract for Secondary Prevention of Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting: Final Results of a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Phase II/III Trial." Journal of Clinical Oncology 42(34): 4040-4050.

Jegathesan, Y., P. P. Stephen, I. Sati, P. Narayanan, M. Monif and M. N. A. Kamarudin (2024). "MicroRNAs in adult high-grade gliomas: Mechanisms of chemotherapeutic resistance and their clinical relevance." Biomedical Pharmacotherapy 172: 116277.

Kinsman, L. D., G. Mooney, G. Whiteford, T. Lower, M. Hobbs, B. Morris, K. Bartlett, A. Jacob and D. Curley (2024). "Increasing the uptake of advance care directives through staff education and one-on-one support for people facing end-of-life." BMJ Open Quality 13(4): e002727.

Lim, B., I. Seth, K. Joseph, J. Cevik, H. Li, Y. Xie, A. M. Hernandez, R. Cuomo and W. M. Rozen (2024). "Optimal Use of Drain Tubes for DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction: Comprehensive Review." J Clin Med 13(21): 6586.

Marshall, A. D., A. Conway, E. B. Cunningham, H. Valerio, D. Silk, M. Alavi, S. Tillakeratne, A. Wade, T. Lam, K. Zohrab, A. Dunlop, C. Connelly, V. Cock, C. Burns, C. Henderson, M. Christmass, G. J. Dore and J. Grebely (2024). "A Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial Involving Financial Incentives to Facilitate Hepatitis C Treatment Uptake Among People Who Inject Drugs: ETHOS Engage Study." Viruses 16(11). 

Moloney, G., D. Ghelani, R. Lakshmanan, L. Upcroft, M. Hutchinson, M. Norton, M. Sutherland, I. Walker and S. Rienks (2024). "How doctors can lead the way in their communities: Co-creation, the Indian community and organ donation registration." Internal Medical Journal 54(12): 1952-1959. 

Petrushnko, W., J. Perry, Z. Bunjo, R. Vather, M. Lewis and T. Sammour (2024). "Patient satisfaction with nurse-led coordination of colorectal cancer treatment: a short survey." ANZ Journal of Surgery 94(10): 1678-1680.

Prussing, E., L. Kinsman, A. Jacob, J. Doust, F. Guy and O. Tierney (2024). "Everyone should have their own midwife: Women's and staff experiences during the implementation of two midwifery continuity of care models in regional Australia." Women and Birth 37(6): 101807. 

Wong, P. K. K., A. Roberts, T. Ho, S. Fraser, J. Thompson, J. Williamson and E. Hay (2024). "The Effect of an Osteoporosis Refracture Prevention Program-A Comparison of Two Australian Rural Centers Using Population Database Linkage." International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases 27(11): e15421.

Zhao, S., A. V. Langford, Q. Chen, M. Lyu, Z. Yang, S. D. French, C. M. Williams and C. C. Lin (2024). "Effectiveness of strategies for implementing guideline-concordant care in low back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials." EClinicalMedicine 78: 102916.

Wednesday, December 04, 2024

Library Resources!

 Spotlight on Research

The library has several resources related to research.  Some of the most recent items are detailed below.  If you would like to borrow any of these books, please drop in, or contact us at the District Library Service.

The Sage Handbook of Mixed Methods Research Design / edited by Cheryl N. Poth.

The SAGE Handbook of Mixed Methods Research Design provides a comprehensive overview of the existing typologies and future potential applications of this fast evolving field. With a unique focus on design, this handbook prepares researchers for the changing conditions in which they will conduct their studies.

The SAGE handbook of qualitative research / edited by Norman K. Denzin, Yvonna S. Lincoln, Michael D. Giardina, Gaile S. Cannella.

"This new edition of the SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research represents the sixth generation of the ongoing conversation about the discipline, practice, and conduct of qualitative inquiry. As with earlier editions, the Sixth Edition is virtually a new volume, with 27 of the 34 chapters representing new topics or approaches not seen in the previous edition, including intersectionality; critical disability research; postcolonial and decolonized knowledge; diffraction and intra-action; social media methodologies; thematic analysis, collaborative inquiry from the borderlands; qualitative inquiry and public health science; co-production and the politics of impact; publishing qualitative research; and academic survival. Authors in the Sixth Edition engage with questions of ontology and epistemology, the politics of the research act, the changing landscape of higher education, and the role qualitative researchers play in contributing to a more just, egalitarian society." -- Provided by publisher.

Navigating the maze of research : enhancing nursing and midwifery practice / Debra Jackson, Tamara Power, Helen Walthall.

Written for the undergraduate nursing and midwifery student, the fourth edition of Navigating the Maze of Research: Enhancing Nursing and Midwifery Practice introduces the research process and provides insight into both how and why research is conducted. For this fourth edition, authors Sally Borbasi and Debrah Jackson highlight the connection between research, critical evaluation of findings and the use of these findings to inform and improve clinical practice. Borbasi and Jackson's Navigating the Maze of Research is divided into three sections guiding the beginner to confidently engage in the research process and arrive at considered, informed clinical practice. Written for the undergraduate nursing and midwifery student, this text introduces the research process and provides insight into both how and why research is conducted. This eidtion highlights the connection between research, critical evaluation of findings and the use of these findings to inform and improve clinical practice.

Qualitative research in nursing and healthcare / Immy Holloway, Kathleen Galvin.

This fifth edition of the book is an update of earlier versions. Approaches in qualitative research are constantly evolving, and this is shown in the new edition. The fundamental principles of qualitative research, of course, stay the same, reflecting the firm epistemological ground on which this research approach stands; hence, there are not many drastic changes; the formula of writing and extending individual approaches with integrating updated examples from healthcare research has been retained. -- Provided by Publisher

Understanding nursing research : building an evidence-based practice / Susan K. Grove, Jennifer R. Gray.

"Understanding Nursing Research: Building an Evidence-Based Practice', 4th Edition is a market-leading textbook written by two of the most renowned experts in the nursing research field. Now in full-color, this thoroughly updated 4th edition reflects today's emphasis on evidence-based practice. Refined format and features enhance the book's readability and bring include examples and critiques that help students better understand the concepts. The book also features an enhanced emphasis on the emerging, cost-driven field of outcomes research, as well as an improved balance of quantitative and qualitative research. In addition to a full complement of student and faculty ancillaries, a companion Nursing Research Online course is now available for separate purchase with this edition." -- Publisher's website.

Thematic analysis : a practical guide / Virginia Braun and Victoria Clarke

"Developed and adapted by the authors of this book, thematic analysis (TA) is one of the most popular qualitative data analytic techniques in psychology and the social and health sciences. Building on the success of Braun & Clarke's 2006 paper first outlining their approach which has over 100,000 citations on Google Scholar - this book is the definitive guide to TA and your support system throughout your TA journeys. It addresses the common questions surrounding TA as well as developments in the field, offering a highly accessible and practical discussion of doing TA situated within a clear understanding of the wider terrain of qualitative research."-- Publisher

Designing clinical research / Warren S. Browner, Thomas B. Newman, Steven R. Cummings, Deborah G. Grady, Alison J. Huang, Alka M. Kanaya, Mark J. Pletcher

(this item is an eBook available via CiAP, find it via the Library's Discovery Site)

"For over 30 years, this title sets the standard as a practical guide for physicians, nurses, pharmacists and other practitioners involved in all forms of clinical and public health research. It presents the epidemiologic concepts in a reader-friendly way and suggests common sense approaches to the challenging judgments involved in designing, funding and implementing a study. Translated in many languages over the years, it is a manual for clinical research in it various flavors: clinical trials, observational epidemiology, translated science, patient-oriented research. Epidemiologic- terms and principles, presented advanced conceptual material in a practical and reader friendly way and suggested common sense approaches to many judgments involved in designing a study"-- Publisher

Research methodology in the health sciences : a quick reference guide / Prasanta K. Bhattacharya

(this item is an eBook available via CiAP, find it via the Library's Discovery Site)

"The current book on research methodology is primarily meant for students, scholars and interested faculty members of biomedical sciences like medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmaceuticals, physiotherapy, etc. Format: The format and content of the book has been kept concise for easy readability, with examples drawn exclusively from real healthcare scenarios for easy understanding, and at the same time without compromising on the basic principles of research methodology. Math Issue for Health Science Students--doesn't and wont be too high level of math. Appropriate level for the health science student Biomedical Ethics, Review of Medical Literature also discusses how to write a dissertation"-- Publisher

Introducing research and evidence-based practice for nursing and healthcare professionals / Jeremy Jolley

(this item is an eBook, find it via the Library's Discovery Site)

"Research can seem difficult to get to grips with. However, this book shows you that research is essentially a simple activity and its principles can be quickly and easily understood, even if you're new to the subject. Each chapter guides you to uncover the mysteries' of research, exposing each aspect in turn, while demonstrating how research in healthcare is a practical activity, linked directly to patient care. If you're a student of nursing or an allied health profession studying research for the first time, this books is for you. Research is illustrated through examples of activities which will be familiar to you from your day-to-day life, to help build your confidence in undertaking research and evidence-based practice." -- Publisher.