Thursday, June 05, 2008

New Journals on CIAP

The NSW Health Quality and Safety Branch has sponsored two new infection control journals.
Journal of Hospital Infection
Includes articles on hospital-acquired infection and related subjects and puts you in contact with the latest concepts and practices in hospital infection control.
Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology (ICHE)
Includes peer-reviewed scientific articles for anyone involved with an infection control or epidemiology program in a hospital or health care facility. ICHE publishes research on control and evaluation of the transmission of pathogens in healthcare institutions and on the use of epidemiological principles and methods to evaluate and improve the delivery of care.
Another key infection control journal available on CIAP is the
American Journal of Infection Control

Nursing Consult now includes two new Australian Emergency Nursing journals providing clinically relevant research, reviews and articles of interest:
Australian Critical Care
Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal

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