Thursday, July 10, 2008

Australia's Health 2008 Conference Presentations

How are we going? How do we know?
This one-day conference held in June, provided insights into key issues facing the health of Australians and their health services. Where we have come from, what's happening now and what's likely to happen in the future!
Specific areas covered on the day with PowerPoint presentations provided include-
Biggest burdens: Cancer survival and prevalence in Australia, Oral health priority areas, Mental health and co-morbidities, Co-morbidities between CVD, chronic kidney disease, diabetes and obesity .
Whose health - focus on inequalities: Health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, Rural health, Socioeconomic Status , Waiting for care.
Prevention, treatment and performance: Information needs of the future, Australia's national cancer screening programs, Risk and prevention, Expenditure and projections

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