Thursday, November 19, 2009

Centre for Evidence Based Practice Australasia

The Royal Melbourne Hospital continues to lead the way in developing online evidence based clinical knowledge resources by launching a virtual Centre for Evidence Based Practice Australasia . CEBPA is not a typical website but an evolving 'cloud' (or collection) of EBP resources from across Australia and New Zealand, with particular emphasis on Australasian content. The aims of CEBPA are:
1. to provide an additional layer of resources to that already provided by Australasian EBP sites,
2. to provide a central point for Australasia-wide EBP collaboration, learning and knowledge-sharing and
3. to facilitate the translation of (evidence-based) knowledge into action.

The Royal Melbourne Hospital Director of Education, A/Prof Peter Morley, said: “The CEBPA fills a gap in the current health infrastructure and potentially plays a major role in improving the quality of healthcare. There is also potential for saving costs across diverse areas of healthcare, with flow-on benefits in clinical audit, clinical governance and safety."

To view the CEBPA cloud, go to and click on Login, then follow the prompts. Once you have logged on you will then see an expanded Menu (as well as expanded discussion forums).

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