An information and research blog for health professionals, compiled by the staff of District Library Services - MNCLHD
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Swine flu controversy
In Australia, 21 million doses of swine flu vaccine were purchased in accordance with WHO's pandemic guidelines. A year later, only 9 million of those have been distributed and the remainder is unused. Cohen's article, "WHO and the pandemic flu 'conspiracies'" (BMJ 2010;340:c2912) is available free online and criticises the procedures used by the WHO, claiming that a number of the WHO experts have had financial links with pharmaceutical companies producing antiviral drugs and influenza vaccines. Read Margaret Chan's response in "WHO Director-General responds to the BMJ" published only yesterday.
Finding the Evidence: workbooks and toolkits
CPD, education and national registration for nurses
There is more information about national registration at the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia’s Website:
Indigenous Smoking Project
Read the full report here.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Suicide in Australia
"At least six Australian lives are taken by suicide every day, however there continues
to be a lack of public awareness about the impact of suicide on the community. The
title of the Committee's report The Hidden Toll: Suicide in Australia reflects this
situation as well as the hope that increased public attention and support for suicide
prevention can reduce the damage it causes." The recommendations include the urging of special strategies and funding for men, Indigenous communities, children, people from rural and remote areas and recently released prisoners.
Australia's Health 2010 - AIHW
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
99 Life-saving Reasons to Celebrate
Transplant Australia, the national community stakeholder organisation representing those waiting for transplants and recipients, today welcomed figures that showed that a total of 99 Australians had their lives saved through transplantation in May.
Many Australians do not realise that, even if they have registered to be a donor, it is the people close to them that will be asked to give the final OK. One organ and tissue donor can save up to 10 lives and improve the lives of many more. Donate Life has information for the public as well as packages for GPs.
- DISCOVER the facts about organ and tissue donation.
- DECIDE about becoming an organ and tissue donor.
- DISCUSS your decision with the people close to you.
Find out more at
Multicultural Mental Health Australia
- Fact sheets and pamphlets in a variety of languages and topics
- Books and reports on mental health issues affecting people from CALD backgrounds and mental health in general
- Magazine Synergy published 3 times per year
- Posters and other merchandise for promotional purposes
- This site also has a range of publications and resource listings
Multicultural Mental Health Australia is funded by the The Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing through the National Mental Health Strategy.
Ageing, dementia and adult survivors of childhood sexual assault
Publications from the Australian Centre for the Study of Sexual Assault (ACSSA) are available from the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS). If you would like to receive future publications as they are released please register your details for the ACSSA mailing list.
Aware Newsletter.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Tropical Medicine and Dermatology
The International Journal of Dermatology has an historic interest in tropical skin diseases and dermatology from all areas of the globe. This Virtual Issue pulls together a selection of recent tropical medicine articles published in the Journal. Click here to view for free until July 16.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Immune system podcast
Mens Health online
- Share your family history with your GP
- Know your healthy weight
- Check your blood pressure
- Stop smoking – it’s the only health option
- Maintain a healthy mind and a healthy body
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Evaluation of the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program
It was found ...
• High level of enthusiasm for cooking and gardening
• Keen to be involved in food purchasing decisions
• Willing to try new foods - at least sometimes.
• Majority “limited eaters” with limited “food literacy”
• Majority showed basic or limited cooking and gardening skills and knowledge.
Download the full report and key findings here.
Australian hospital statistics 2008-09
Beyond life expectancy
For over 20 years, the popular press has been trumpeting the pending and imminent disaster that is 'the ageing of the Australian population'. We are told that our hospitals are filling up with 'sick old people', the demand for aged care services will drain resources from all other areas of social service, and the need to pay pensions (or repay investments in superannuation) will bring the nation to its knees. "The ageing of the 'baby boomer' generation is portrayed as something akin to a horror movie."
This essay by Diane Gibson, is the fifth in a series of essays based on data from the 2006 Census, produced in cooperation with the Australian Bureau of Statistics and the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia. It identifies the population is ageing and we will need to change and we will need to learn new individual behaviours and identify and implement changes in our health, social and economic systems.To see the full paper click here.
The shocking cost of turnover in health care
NSW Health staff can access the fulltext of this article via CIAP.
Health Care Management Review
Issue: Volume 35(3), July/September 2010, pp 206-211
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
Access to primary health care report
Women and cardiovascular disease
Participate in clinical trials
Health of Australia's prisoners
The report also contains data relating to communicable diseases, educational attainment, deaths in custody, the use of health services and the types of medications used by prisoners.
Thursday, June 03, 2010
Link between asthma and diet?
Download this NHMRC podcast, or read the transcript of Australian Fellow Professor Mackay's interview with Carolyn Norrie, where he asserts that this discovery is potentially one of the most exciting things to happen in immunology. He explains that his Fellowship team’s investigations will cover a number of strands, including the immune-metabolic system connection, how newly discovered ‘helper’ T cells influence B cells, and how cells migrate around the body.
WHO tobacco report
The report provides a comprehensive overview of the evidence base for protecting people from the harms of second-hand tobacco smoke through legislation and enforcement. There is a special focus on the status of implementation of smoke-free policies, with detailed data collected on a global basis. Additional analyses of smoke-free legislation were performed, allowing a more detailed understanding of progress and future challenges in this area.
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Educating patients in using Internet health sources
A research review carried out by a team from the University of Florida, USA, found that 86 per cent of adult patients use the internet to get answers to health-related questions, but only 28 to 41 per cent consult primary healthcare providers about the information they find out.
Educating patients to evaluate web-based health care information: the GATOR approach to healthy surfing can be found in the Journal of Clinical Nursing, vol 19, pages 1371–1377. Access the full text through CIAP or contact your librarian.