Thursday, July 29, 2010

What's new on the Closing the Gap Clearinghouse

A key feature of the Clearinghouse is the Assessed Collection. Subject specialists are assessing the evidence on what works across a range of topics relevant to the COAG Building Blocks for overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage. Some of the recent assessments have identified the following factors that work to close the gap on Indigenous disadvantage:
* a kidney and cardiovascular disease treatment program found that systematic treatment of Aboriginal people with hypertension, diabetes and/or renal disease is highly cost-effective;
* the importance of regard for local and community context is a significant feature that contributes to the success of programs aimed at increasing the level of Indigenous school attendance ;
* an early intervention program focusing on family functioning and social relationships mainstreamed into existing agencies such as schools and mental services could have an appreciable effect on improving community health and wellbeing.

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