Monday, April 18, 2011

The Easter bunny and the chocolate conspiracy

Nathan J. Grills has published "The Easter Bunny and the chocolate conspiracy," a  tongue-in-cheek look at the public health aspects of Easter, in this week's Medical Journal of Australia.  He writes, "The Easter Bunny (EB) has been popularised and exploited by chocolate manufacturers and other companies selling this energy-dense, nutrient-poor (EDNP) food. Since when did bunnies lay eggs made of chocolate? Is this a conspiracy to sell lucrative chocolate eggs?  I have argued that Santa Claus is a public health pariah who advertises unhealthy products to children and normalises obesity, but what about the EB — is this bunny an innocent fairytale character or another unhealthy childhood role model?"

MJA 2011; 194 (8): 410-412

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