Wednesday, May 18, 2011

National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) Pathways

The NHS National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) launched NICE Pathways at its annual conference in Birmingham in May 2011. An online tool for health and social care professionals, NICE Pathways brings together all connected NICE guidance on a topic in a user-friendly electronic flowchart. Previously there has been no easy way to see at a glance everything NICE has said on a specific condition, for example diabetes, across all its separate published guidance. For the first time ever, this digital resource will allow users to quickly view and navigate NICE guidance and other tools on any given topic across an entire care pathway. For example, the postnatal care pathway considers everything from the baby's first 24 hours up until the first 2 - 8 weeks.

There were 18 pathways on various subjects launched at the conference covering the whole range of different types of NICE advice, including health technology appraisals, clinical guidelines, public health and social care advice, quality standards and implementation tools, this is part of a wider move to provide a more personalised, audience-focused way of looking at NICE guidance. Individual pathways also link to other related pathways - for example the diet pathway links with the physical activity pathway. NICE Pathways will continue to develop by including more content and more topics in the future.

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