An information and research blog for health professionals, compiled by the staff of District Library Services - MNCLHD
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Older People Leaving Hospital
Injecting Drug Use and Associated Harms Among Aboriginal Australians
The findings of this project support this premise and outline a range of issues that impact on the ability of Aboriginal people who inject drugs to access quality and timely prevention, treatment and harm reduction services, when and where they need them. This report highlights the need for greater investment in the prevention, treatment and harm reduction sector so that those most disadvantaged in our community are not further disadvantaged by an ineffective system. The findings from this project tell a similar story to many other research projects undertaken in this area. The next steps must be to move from analysis and consideration to action - that is, a structured and detailed approach to planning and delivering services that encompasses the complexity inherent among Aboriginal people who inject drugs, but is practical enough to make a difference.
Safety and Quality in General Practice Clinical Software
In Australia, general practitioners (GPs) have been using clinical software systems that include e-prescribing for more than 15 years, with rapid uptake encouraged by government incentives in the 1990s. This report, "Evaluation of features to support safety and quality in general practice clinical software", attempts to find out if current systems include features that facilitate improved patient safety and care, with a focus on quality use of medicines. Quality use of medicines is the judicious, effective and safe use of medicines, and in terms of clinical software functionality it encompasses the entire medication management process.
A Guide to Understanding and Working with General Practice in NSW
It is important that the complex and essential role of general practice is fully understood by those wishing to work within and across the different components of the health care system in NSW. A better understanding of the particular ways of working and ethos of general practice will support sustainable partnerships, improve health care integration and eliminate misperceptions about general practice and general practice service delivery. The Guide is not intended to be exhaustive. It attempts to consolidate in one document key information about general practice. Web links to further information and resources are provided throughout this guide to support a more detailed understanding of the range of areas covered.
Preventive Care in Indigenous Community Health Centres in Australia
Aboriginal Injury Prevention Projects
This, 'Aboriginal Injury Prevention Projects', is one of three reviews subsequently commissioned to inform the program. It reviews peer-review and grey literature evaluations of the effectiveness of Australian Indigenous initiatives published 1995-2010 to answer the following questions with specific terms of reference provided:
• What are the most effective strategies/projects/programs that have been implemented for the prevention of injury amongst Aboriginal populations?
• What types and causes of injury have successfully been addressed by these strategies?
• What types and causes of injury have not been successfully addressed (or addressed at all) by these strategies?
• What are elements that contribute to success or failure in such strategies?
(June 2011)
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Chronic Disease Guidelines
To this end the Chronic Disease Guidelines 3rd edition 2010 have been developed to guide health practitioners in providing best practice prevention, early detection and management of chronic disease with a standardised set of tools and information. This 3rd edition is a synthesis of contemporary evidence-based principles and practices and has been developed collaboratively with input from a range of clinical experts and clinical networks from Queensland Health, the Royal Flying Doctor Service and Apunipima – Cape York Health Council.
End Stage Kidney Disease in Australia
Monday, June 20, 2011
Proceedings : 11th National Rural Health Conference
Student Opinions on a Rural Placement Program for Dental Undergraduates
Priority Setting in Primary Health Care
Review of efficiency measurement methodologies to inform hosptial resource allocations in NSW
Download the review here.
45 and up study
Information collected through the 45 and Up Study will be used by policy agencies and by researchers to help gain a better understanding of how to prevent and provide the best possible health care for common health conditions such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, depression, Alzheimer’s disease and diabetes.
Working with Indigenous children, families, and communities: lessons from practice
Rhys Price-Robertson and Myfanwy McDonald from the Communites and Families Clearinghouse address these issues in this CAFCA Practice Sheet.
Autism Living Guideline Work
The second is a review of diagnostic instruments.
Both papers have been converted into electronic booklets and are available on the NZ ASD Guidelines website . A short version of the diagnostic instruments review is also available at this website.
Parenting and mental illness: the early years
For parents with a pre-existing mental illness, the challenges can be daunting, as they worry about the impact of their mental illness on the pregnancy and child rearing and vice versa. This study by SANE asks these parents about their experience, and what they think would help.
Download Research Bulletin 13 here.
Prevalence of Type 1 diabetes in Australian children
Key indicators of progress for chronic disease and associated determinants
Click on the link to view the media release and report.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
It's My Health - new consumer website
The site also has feature articles and sections on men's health, digestive disorders and sexual health, with referenced summary information.
Young Australians : their health and wellbeing 2011
Using social media to improve healthcare quality
Health of Australia's Males report
Thursday, June 09, 2011
Australian Family Physician special mental health issue
- Antidepressant use
- Mental health risk assessment – a guide for GPs
- Anxiety disorders – assessment and management in general practice
- Managing borderline personality disorder and substance use – an integrated approach
- Anxiety and depression – online resources and management tools
- Patient initiated aggression
The Digital divide as a health issue
The Croakey blog is a forum for debate and discussion about health issues and policy. It is moderated by journalist Melissa Sweet, with regular contributions from a panel of medical experts. It is related to the online social commentary publication,
National Health Reform - latest report
International Men's Health Week
Global Health Observatory (WHO)
Monday, June 06, 2011
Post-diagnosis support for children with Autism
The authors conducted literature reviews to address the experiences of diagnosis, treatment and support for families with children who are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. They focus on the impact of Autism Spectrum Disorder on families and on their perceptions of the benefits of the treatment received and support models provided, as well as intervention studies and programs that assist transitions from school. Parents and Autism Spectrum Disorder service providers across Australia were also interviewed.
A Picture of NSW Children - website
It is produced by the NSW Commission for Children and Young People in collaboration with the Social Policy Research Centre (SPRC) at UNSW.