Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Methamphetamine users in Australia 2002-2014

A recent study in the Medical Journal of Australia examined the number of regular and dependent methamphetamine users in Australia. The results of the prevalence study showed that there were an estimated 268,000 regular methamphetamine users and 160,000 dependent users in Australia in 2013-14. Over the years the age group with the highest numbers of users was 25-34.

The authors concluded that increases over the past 12 years had been marked among young adults and that "there is an increasing need for health services to engage with people who have developed problems related to their methamphetamine use."

Louisa Degenhardt, Sarah Larney, Gary Chan, Timothy Dobbins, Megan Weier, Amanda Roxburgh, Wayne Hall, Rebecca McKetin. Estimating the number of regular and dependent methamphetamine users in Australia, 2002–2014.  MJA 204 (4)  7 March 2016.

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