Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Welcome to the new JMOs!

 As the library welcomes the new JMOs to the Mid North Coast Local Health District for the new Term, we are putting a spotlight on relevant resources held by the library that might be useful at this stage of your career.  To borrow/access these resources, drop in to one of our sites or contact us.

On call : principles and protocols / Shane A. Marshall and John Reudy.

"Ideal for any on-call professional, resident, or medical student, this highly templated, best-selling reference covers the common problems you’ll encounter while on call in the hospital. On Call Principles and Protocols, 7th Edition, by Drs. Shane A. Marshall and John Ruedy, provides key information in time-sensitive, challenging situations. You’ll gain speed, skill, and knowledge with every call - from diagnosing a difficult or life-threatening situation to prescribing the right medication.." --Publisher.

The Junior doctor survival guide / Paul Watson & Joseph M. O'Brien

Written by residents, for interns and residents, the Junior Doctor Survival Guide is a thorough, focused summary of everything you need to know to get through your internship and residency (relatively) intact. It provides advice on seeking help from your senior clinicians, ensuring ethical practice and decision making, conducting an efficient ward round and carrying out emergency assessments and includes a concise overview of the salient features of specialist medical and surgical care in both in- and outpatient settings. Covering both clinical and professional contexts, this guide will support you to build your confidence in applying the principles you learned in medical school to the real world. -- Publisher's site.

The junior medical officer's guide to the hospital universe : a survival manual / John Shi.

"Look no further. This is the essential guide to the real life of and in the hospital. Providing invaluable guidance throughout, with this book as your companion you will be able to clear those discharges, get those consults, survive after hours, get your work-life balance in order and, ultimately, be the doctor you really want to be. Addressing every facet of the JMO's true role, the book enables and supports junior doctors and medical students to thrive in their new position within the hospital system, aiding the streamlined completion of administration, maximising efficiency with no compromise in accuracy, all with the final objective of ensuring the best possible outcome for patients while maintaining the health, function and happiness of the health care provider."

The hands-on guide for junior doctors / Anna Donald, Michael Stein, Ciaran Scott Hill.

The Hands-on Guide for Junior Doctors, Fourth Edition, is the ultimate, practical guide for junior doctors and medical students. It helps you tackle the emotional, intellectual and physical demands of being a new doctor and allays common insecurities to help you make the most of your time in clinical practice. This book tells you how to prepare for the daily rigours of hospital life and will help you meet the required standard. It provides advice on getting started in placements, and helps you develop confidence, with tips on what to do as a junior member of the hospital team, and how to deal with common calls and emergencies. 

Every doctor : healthier doctors = healthier patients / Leanne Rowe, Michael Kidd, Vihangi Abeygunawardana.

"`Every Doctor' is about thriving in medicine at a time of massive advances and changes in global health systems and medical services. The book is a must-read for doctors of all specialties at all stages of their careers wherever they practise in the world, because exemplary care of patients, peers, profession and self is a lifelong journey." -- Publisher.

First do no harm : being a resilient doctor in the 21st century / Leanne Rowe and Michael Kidd.
"Refmes the traditional doctors' rule, demonstrating that it should apply not only to patients, but also to doctors themselves. With their extensive medical, professional and academic experience, Leanne Rowe and Michael Kidd have created a legacy to be shared with medical students, junior doctors and experienced medical practitioners across all medical specailties."

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