Monday, September 06, 2010

Patient Safety discussion

Patient safety is of utmost importance in the health sector and last week's Health Report (on ABC's Radio National) featured an interview with French researcher, Professor Rene Amalberti.

Professor Amalberti is the Senior Advisor on Patient Safety for the National Health Care Accreditation Agency in France. He has recently made a study of the risks of deep sea fishing and concluded that resilience is needed in unpredictable conditions. He compares this to the health scene: "We have a very unstable system with patients coming and you need to upset the patients, they have a wide variety of pathologies, you have a huge number of systems and people working together and this unstable condition makes the system not fully predictable. So you need a lot of resilience like fishermen have." He also makes the point that there is always going to be a little bit of risk due to the realities of work conditions.

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