Monday, October 18, 2010

Workers with Mental Illness: a Practical Guide for Managers

The Australian Human Rights Commission has produced a guide Workers with mental illness: a practical guide for managers. The guide aims to help managers better understand mental illness, develop strategies that assist workers with a mental illness and ensure that their workplaces are healthy and productive," President Branson said. "We developed this guide because research conducted by the Australian Human Rights Commission showed that managers want to provide support to staff members who live with a mental illness, but often lack the confidence or skills to do so," said President Branson.
The guide has been released after extensive consultation with the business community, trades unions, disability organisations, workplace safety bodies and employers. "During any year, approximately one in five Australian adults will experience a mental illness. It is our hope that this guide will assist managers to understanding their legal obligations while developing strategies that support their staff and reduce the incidence of illness in the workplace," said President Branson.
The guide has been endorsed by the Fair Work Ombudsman, beyondblue: the national depression initiative, SANE Australia, the Mental Health Council of Australia, and supported by Safe Work Australia.

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