Friday, September 07, 2012

Unhealthy lifestyles - clusters

"Clustering of unhealthy behaviours over time : implications for policy and practice" is a paper from the King's Fund in the UK which looks at the current evidence on multiple lifestyle risks and analyses data from the Health Survey for England on the distribution of these risks in the adult population and how this is changing over time.  The study concludes that although there was an overall improvement in smoking, drinking, dietary and exercise behaviours between 2003 and 2008, this was only true in the higher socioeconomic groups.  The authors suggested that there needed to be a more holistic approach to policy and practice for health promotion and more effective ways needed to be found to help people in lower socioeconomic groups and those with the least education.

You can read a BMJ commentary on this paper as well, Fight to tackle unhealthy lifestyles has widened gaps in health inequalities.  BMJ 2012;345:e5707

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