Thursday, October 18, 2012

Addressing Uncomfortable Issues: the Role of White Health Professionals in Aboriginal Health

This research by Annabelle Wilson investigated the role of white health professionals in addressing Aboriginal health in South Australia. Set within the discipline of nutrition and dietetics and the area of obesity prevention, it explored the practice of White health professionals from the point of view of Aboriginal and White workers. This research, currently in the form of an unpublished Doctor of Philosophy thesis, arose from practice dilemmas the author experienced as a dietitian working in rural and remote South Australia. The setting for this research was the eat well be active Community Programs, a community-based, childhood obesity prevention program in South Australia. In order to conduct ethical research, the author worked closely with Aboriginal community members and workers, through building and maintaining relationships and activities of reciprocity.

This research identified that there are a number of elements to the practice of White health professionals that make it ideal when they are working with Aboriginal communities. However, such ideal practice does not always occur and this research sought to identify why. The organisation, profession and individual were identified as systems within the wider system of Aboriginal health. In summary, this research identified that moving forward in Aboriginal health requires White health professionals to look at themselves, which generally requires them to address uncomfortable issues. (APO 11/10/12)

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