Thursday, October 18, 2012

Private Lives 2: the Second National Survey on the Health and Wellbeing of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender (GLBT) Australians

Private Lives 2 (PL2) is a report on the second national survey of the health and wellbeing of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) Australians. The first Private Lives (PL1) was released in 2006 and was, at that time, the largest survey of its kind conducted anywhere in the world. In 2011, 3,835 GLBT respondents successfully completed PL2. PL2 was an on-line survey publicised, nationally, and backed up by some hard copies of the survey which were distributed to GLBT seniors organisations across the country. The questionnaire consisted, primarily, of forced-choice (quantitative) questions but included a small number of open-ended or qualitative questions. The authors are William Leonard and others.

The project was supported by beyondblue with funds from The Movember Foundation, with additional funds provided by the Victorian Department of Health and a La Trobe University faculty grant. The project was managed jointly by Gay and Lesbian Health Victoria (GLHV) and the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society (ARCSHS) La Trobe University. (APO 30/4/12)

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