Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Health workforce 2025

Health Workforce 2025 (HW 2025) provides Australia’s first major, long-term national projections for the health workforce out to 2025.  Volumes 1 and 2 dealt with doctors, nurses and midwives, while Volume 3 examines individual medical specialties in Australia.  The reports found that reform is essential to ensure a sustainable, affordable health workforce for the future.   

Several key projections were made that indicate problems if no changes take place by 2025.  These include a highly significant shortage of nurses, a shortage of doctors, a shortage of postgraduate medical training places, and an uneven distribution of the medical workforce across Australia.  Issues raised in Volume 3 included the fact that although the number of medical specialists is increasing, the workforce is not evenly distributed, and there are not enough generalists.  Psychiatrists and Radiation Oncologists are the most at-risk specialties.

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