Thursday, December 11, 2014

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: supporting the children

Sara McLean, Stewart McDougall and Vicki Russell from the Australian Institute of Family Studies have written a Briefing Paper on the consequences of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome for children's development. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) is a term that is used to cover the full range of possible birth defects and developmental issues that can be caused by prenatal exposure to alcohol.
FASD is a lifetime disorder and often described as a "hidden" disorder, because children do not necessarily show any physical abnormalities, despite being profoundly affected.
Another relevant paper is "Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: Current issues in awareness, prevention and intervention", by Sara McLean and Stewart McDougall. CFCA Paper No. 29,  December 2014
Supporting children living with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: Practice principles. Sara McLean, Stewart McDougall and Vicki Russell. Practitioner Resource— December 2014

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