Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Sedentary Office - guidelines for moving in the office

License: CC0 Public Domain
A review of the evidence surrounding the health benefits for office workers to stand up and move around has led to a set of guidelines published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.   Commissioned by Public Health England, an international group of experts from the UK, US and Australia have published The sedentary office: an expert statement on the growing case for change towards better health and productivity. The authors recommend that desk-based workers spend at least two hours of their working day standing or moving, and that this should gradually progress to four hours a day.

Other recommendations made include regularly breaking up seated-based work with standing (as can be achieved with sit-stand desks) and avoiding long periods of standing still, which could be just as harmful as sitting for a long time. The authors suggest that these recommendations should be part of every workplace culture.

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