Wednesday, March 16, 2011

'Swap it Don't Stop it'

The Australian Government has launched its ‘Swap it don’t stop it’ campaign – a call to make easy, small, healthier lifestyle choices to reduce the risk of illness and disease. ‘Swap it don’t stop it’ features Eric, an animated blue balloon character, likeable but overweight. On television, in print and on the radio, Eric will urge Australians to make some simple lifestyle changes to become healthier – for example, to swap big for small (portion control); swap often for sometimes (occasional treats); swap fried for fresh (nutritional quality); swap sitting for moving (physical activity); and swap watching for playing (physical activity). The campaign has a practical focus and encourages people to make practical choices in their everyday lives to improve their health. The cost of obesity is a huge drain on the nation’s economy - in 2008 alone, it cost Australia a massive $58.2 billion.
Further information on the campaign, including fact sheets, can be found at

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