Monday, October 24, 2011

Radiotherapy and survival in breast cancer

A major study of 11,000 women over the past 10 to 15 years has been published online in the Lancet .  "Radiotherapy and survival in breast cancer" [doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)61296-8], authored by Thomas Buchholz, indicated that a course of radiotherapy after a lumpectomy for breast cancer led to a 50% proportional reduction in the risk of recurrence.

Buchholz, stated on ABC Radio's AM program this week, that the trial showed that radiation therapy "reduces the chance of developing a breast cancer recurrence and most importantly it improves the chance of overall survival of a patient [and] improves the chance that they'll be cured of their disease."
To read the full text of the provisional article, go to CIAP and search "Articles in Press".  Contact your hospital librarian if you have trouble finding it.

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